On-Wing Non-Destructive Testing
Detects surface and subsurface defects in welds, and main structural fittings of engine attachments. Ultrasonic testing provides immediate results.
Liquid Penetrant
Detects and exposes surface connected discontinuities in nonporous materials. Liquid penetrand is frequently used to confirm suspected defects.
Eddy Current
Detects surface & subsurface defects such as stress induced fractures or corrosion. Eddy current inspections can be performed with minimal part preparation, and has a high degree of sensitivity.
Lean Manufacturing and X-Ray Recycling
About X-Ray Recycling
Archived film is costly and ignores the benefits and opportunities of recycling. Silean aims to help your company reduce overhead costs while simultaneously providing a source of revenue. We have teamed up with Rochester Silver Works LLC to provide you the best possible experience and value when recycling your film archive. We do all the heavy lifting for you. We package and ship your archive to an entry restricted secure facility, where the x-rays are separated from their paper packaging. The paper packaging is handled, and shredded according to HIPPA requirements. The x-ray film is then weighed, shredded, and washed to extract the silver off the film. The silver is then smelted into 99.999 pure silver bars, and you are paid spot price for the recovered silver.